Choose the best entity type for your business:
LLC in New Mexico or Wyoming
✓ Great for small businesses
✓ Simple management structure and easy to operate
✓ Less paperwork, no annual meeting requirements
✓ Ownership represented by members (LLCs cannot issue stock)
✓ Low annual renewal fees (New Mexico - $0 annual state fee)
✓ Tax Free Company if you meet the following conditions:
1. All owners are individuals (not corporations) and all are non-USA residents
2. You do not have any U.S. employees
3. You do not have a warehouse or shipping facility in the US.
C-Corp in Delaware
✓ Great for startups and technology companies fundraising from investors
✓ Ability to raise capital by issuing stock;
✓ Ownership represented by shareholders
✓ Management structure with more operating requirements
✓ More paperwork and corporate requirements. Annual meetings required.